Contracts Agreement legalization

contractual obligations

Contract drafting requires the application of all principles and rules contained in the law and that will reflect on the contracting parties.

Our team at Legal Consultant System is obliged to study all transaction documents and determine the best way to draft the contract, hence, they will be able to prove its validity before the courts in case of any breach of contractual obligations that have to be followed in order to protect the contracting parties.

At Legal Consultant System, we provide the services of drafting and reviewing contracts in cases of:

  • Employment and Labor Agreements
  • Trademark Agreements
  • Franchise Agreements 
  • Purchase Agreements
  • Consultancy Agreements
  • Construction Agreements
  • Articles of Association
  • Supply Agreements

At Legal Consultant System, we study all the required terms and conditions according to each case, and we add them to the drafted copy of the agreement to clarify the rights and obligations of all parties and to ensure their compliance with local laws and legislation. We also provide the service of clarifying contractual obligations and their terms of implementation and the consequences of violating them by any party involved.

Furthermore, we clarify all facts related to contractual obligations, their implementation, the consequences if any of the parties violated them, and parties’ rights to resort to the judiciary to submit their complaints. We also detail the advantages of each choice, the legal mistakes that should be avoided while signing contracts so as not to leave any legal gaps or loopholes that might benefit one of the contracting parties at the expense of the other. Moreover, we offer the services of challenging the validity of agreements before courts.

Here comes Legal Consultant System role as a professional service provider of contract drafting and reviewing services, in which we verify the legal validity of contracts, ensure that they are drafted in a clear, unambiguous wording, and that they fulfill their respective purposes according to what the contracting parties intended. We also pay immense attention to ensuring that the content complies with the legal form and structure required by the law.